Specialty Shapes

Arched Window Treatments

Highlight the Details. Get Control of Light & Privacy.

  • blinds for angled windows view through window shadings
    Silhouette® Window Shadings

Arched Window Coverings

Custom windows create a custom look. That’s certainly true of angled and arched windows. Adding architectural charm to your home, uniquely shaped windows create a dynamic visual. But, what happens when you need light control and privacy?

  • Tailored to fit the shape of the window
  • Beautiful fabrics highlight design
  • Adjustable & stationery options available
  • Window Blinds, shades & shutters

At Window Fashions of Texas, we know how harsh sunlight and UV rays can wreak havoc on your San Antonio home. Many times, homeowners hesitate to cover angled and arched windows because they aren’t sure what options exist. Our design consultants would love to help! We can guide you to the right window treatments for arched windows that will offer light control and privacy while looking beautiful. They don’t need to cover what you love about these specialty windows–they just need to create the ideal atmosphere.

Questions to Ask about Window Treatments for Arched Windows

Custom shaped windows make a statement. Because of that, it’s important to maintain a balance of preserving the design aesthetic while protecting the interior. Arched window treatments are designed to cover the glass, but save the character.

Which window issues are you solving?

If you’re considering arched window treatments, you’re most likely attempting to solve issues of light, privacy, UV rays or energy efficiency. It’s important to identify which ones you’d like coverage for so we can guide you to the best choices.

Do arched window blinds adjust, or stay in one position?

This is a great question. Depending on the type of window coverings you choose, the answer will be different. Some adjust, and others remain in place. Many times, the decision comes down to where the windows are located and how much entering light needs to be controlled.

Does the entire shape get covered, or is part of the window left bare?

Two completely different looks, without a right or a wrong–it’s a personal choice. This can also depend heavily on the window issues you’re trying to solve. Some homeowners like having the “top down” look, meaning the majority of the window is covered, but the top portion remains uncovered. You’ll see this with arched windows, and the light enters in across the ceiling. Other times, there is a need to cover the entire window for the most effective energy efficiency and light control.

Do you have favorites?

If there is a favorite style of window coverings you love, but you’re not sure if specialty shapes are possible, we can help! We have a wide range of window treatments, with many fabrics and features that cross categories. We can put together a look that will heighten the design of your San Antonio home beautifully.