Custom Shutters Transformation with Bobby Nix

Creating the perfect space is a tall order, just ask Bobby Nix. A San Antonio native, with plenty of design advice, he frequently shares relatable fashion through his Instagram page, thebobbyedit. Bobby recently worked with Window Fashions of Texas resulting in a custom shutters transformation. Here is his candid interview with us…

Let’s Talk Home Decor

The essence of your home comes through so strongly in all of the content that you share. How do you find pieces or brands that resonate with your personal style?

The pieces I find are a reflection of my personality, with timeless qualities–pieces that represent who I am and what’s important to me. As for brands, I love working with local, smaller businesses, helping them grow and increasing visibility. I truly focus on the “why” behind the brand and what sets them apart. I also look to connect with companies that relate to who I am.

Curating the Design

What is your biggest takeaway when working on your home to curate the perfect aesthetic? How did you carry that over into this custom shutters transformation?

My biggest takeaway is staying true to one’s self–not following the trends because they’re popular. I truly feel like this comes across in a lot of the content I create. Yes, trends are great… but they’re just that, a trend. If you love the design elements, like the accents and colors you choose, they’ll never go out of style in your eyes. That being said, I maintain consistency, but also enjoy sprinkling in something different once in awhile to create curiosity and capture attention. When choosing window treatments, the intention was to have levels of adjustable lighting and a heat blocking solution with the Texas summer months ahead. While everyone else might love blackout drapes, I don’t think they are always aesthetically beautiful, so I knew I had to be different. This is one of the reasons I needed a custom shutters transformation. They are gorgeous to look at, the best at what they do, and truly a masterpiece that stands the test of time.

Choosing Interior Shutters

Let’s talk about the recent addition of interior shutters into your San Antonio home. When you started looking at the options, what were you wanting to achieve? How did that affect the overall outcome?

I knew I wanted wood shutters that could help with providing adjustable light control, while also preventing heat from entering my home through my windows. I have a home that was built in 1924 and is a registered historic landmark. Changing my windows out can be very costly per window, but keeping them as is generates a very high energy bill. I knew immediately when working with Window Fashions of Texas that custom shutters were the way to go. During my consultation, Brittany explained every detail about the shutters. I knew right away it was a perfect match. I couldn’t be happier with how they turned out–they truly elevate my home. The final result? Decor with a purpose.

The Style of Shutters

Of course, we love shutters, it’s one of our core offerings. It makes us happy to see our clients choose them for their homes. But sometimes, we notice people shying away from them because they feel more “traditional.”  How did this work for you? What’s your advice for other homeowners?

Honestly, I thought the same thing initially. However, after scrolling through Window Fashions of Texas social media, my mind was quickly changed. You can take a classic design element, like shutters, and by choosing contemporary style options, make it your own. Window Shutters easily elevate a home and bring it current when making the right choices, such as the position of the tilt rod and the final color choice. For my home, I knew I didn’t want the tilt rod to be seen. Therefore, Brittany provided a solution by suggesting we place them on the side of the louver. I knew I’d want the final color of the shutters to match my walls so Brittany got a paint sample of my wall color and did an exact color match. I am now a huge fan of shutters, and I don’t regret any choice I made.

Shutter Benefits

What are you loving about your shutters so far?

I am absolutely in love with them. From the levels of light control to being able to eliminate the heat, they are truly a masterpiece. Not only are they gorgeous, but they serve their purpose, and more. My goal is to continue to spread the word about Window Fashions of Texas and how these shutters can transform any home, no matter the aesthetic.

Get Started Today!

Interested in scheduling an in-home appointment with one of our window covering designers just like Bobby Nix did? We’d love to get started on your project with you. You’ll see fabric samples and inspiration photos, as well as work one-on-one with an expert for the style choices and solutions you need. Get started today!